ROSIN Solutions S.L.

Last update: 26.05.2022
© 1985 - 2022   ROSIN Solutions S.L.


RAMSES Commissioning

With RAMSES, you will only have a minimum disturbance during commissioning, because

The commissioning last only short time, because all the usually very time-consuming tests with communication partners and database are not necessary. The communication between RAMSES and partners bases on standard elements that were already thoroughly tested during production.

Most of the commissioning is done remotely from our offices.

We make tools for offline communication tests available to all partners (L1, Scrap Yard, Caster, Laboratory...). Therefore they can test the data exchange completely before the actual commissioning.

If there is an existing level 1, RAMSES records all messages during production and uses these recorded messages for offline tests with RAMSES. That way we can guarantee that a RAMSES Level 2 will receive and interpret all messages of the level 1 correctly from the beginning.

Message format description in XML allows dynamic creation of message objects. We adapt message formats almost "on the fly".

The interface description using XML files permits easy modification of all communication parameters.

Most of the commissioning can be done during normal production.

Would you like to know more about RAMSES?

RAMSES Advantages

RAMSES The Concept

RAMSES for Meltshop

RAMSES in the Scrap Yard

RAMSES in the Laboratory

RAMSES for Color Coating Lines